Hi! I'm Linkhe!Also known as LANIc0re, lele da cuca™,
ゼルダ or zelda.
I'm a breakcore/bootleg producer and I like to post a lot about stuff I think, play and like.I don't have much to say about me here that isn't above, so I'll use this area to list some likes, dislikes, BYFs and DNIs.Please read at least those last two before following.


Alice, . Death Metal, . Doom Eternal, . Genshin Impact, . Little Witch Academia, .
Nightcore, . Portal, . Slay the Princess,
Steven Universe, . Speedruns,
Video Essays . and . Zenless Zone Zero.


Catradora, . Hutao, . Isekai,
Mad Father, . Minecraft after 1.16,
Most Gacha Games, . Rainbow Dash,
Riot Games's Games,
Temperatures Above 26ºC,
Twice, . Vi from Arcane . and . QSMP


I'm profic/proship; although I don't post a lot about these subjects,
i may do every once in a while.
I retweet a lot of fanart; I use my twitter account mostly to follow artists and retweet their art, so I might
fill your TL with fanart.


As I'm proship/profic, so I wil be blocking anyone who complains about this.
If you're this kind of antishipper, please don't interact; If you don't like but also don't mind and won't complain, then I won't mind you interacting.